Friday, April 29, 2011

11.6 Part Dos

Redid 11.6.

Web Smith and Diego from Sicfit and CrossFit Central were in the house of EOB today. Did the WOD with Web. Talk about motivating! He crushed it.

I got through all of the thrusters without pausing, except when I did the set of 12. I paused at 6 to breathe. The pull ups went much better for the set of 6 and 9 but I struggled with 12 and couldn't consecutively get myself up to the bar. I also wasted too much time dropping and having to step back up on the box to get to the pull up bar. Overall I'm happy with my performance though!

Added 8 reps, so I finished 12 thrusters and 11 pull ups for a total of 59 reps.

Got the hookup from SICFIT with the new Operator shirt. Love those guys! #SIC

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Exciting Rest Day

Well I have had an exciting day! It was my very last day of classes as an undergraduate student!!!!!

I also got my hands on my official transcript and have an appointment for a dental exam and blood work at NAS Jax next week. AND my essay about "Why I Want to be a Marine Corps Officer" is COMPLETE!! I am 100% paperwork complete for the Marine Corps and I will be a college graduate in 17 days!!!

Now, I know a college degree doesn't mean much these days and it means a lot of different things to different people. This is what it means to me:

My degree does not mean I am smarter than anyone else, I am by no means a super genius, or even a very good student, but I enjoy learning. I love continuous education and bettering myself every day. Mostly my degree means that I did not give up. I almost didn't graduate because of financial issues, but I was able to work through it and got the opportunity to finish. Not just finish, but finish strong. My degree means that I am not a statistic. I am not like all of the girls back home in Tampa who went to community college, or started college, got a boyfriend, got pregnant and now have a kid, or a kid on the way. (Some girls got married before or after their pregnancy.. but still) My degree means I have the freedom to explore the world before I settle down. It means I am an example of someone who did something right (how often does that happen?) and that is both honoring and humbling. It's changing my perspective on the world and I feel a lot of personal growth is about to happen in the next 17 days. I am excited. I have been ready to be a graduate since I got started. I have never shied away from responsibility and I know life will be challenging, but I love a good challenge.

My degree means I am ready.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad Back

Quote of the day: "The only straight I am is a straight up bitch."
Bahahaha I love Glee #gaysharks

5min double unders. Gone, gone, gone. Can't do 'em anymore. Baaaah.
15 good mornings
10 ring dips @ skinny red band
10 push ups/ring rows
5 step up to squat on 20" box

Then: 3x5 deadlift
185-205-215 (ugly)

4 rft:
5 deadlifts @ 205 (Rx was 185, scaled up!)
15 box jumps @ 20"


I was really surprised how well the ring rows went. I remember we used to do them all of the time at CrossFit Daytona when I first started CF and I really struggled with them. Ring dips are feeling pretty strong too. Gonna get those suckers Rx'd by the end of May! The WOD went pretty well. It definitely hurt. Iced my back post WOD once I got home. The box jumps went much better than usual too. I'm learning :)

Well only 6 days left of no sleep before I am college complete! Last day of classes EVER tomorrow!
Time needs to slow down

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sectional WOD 11.6

W/U: play with thrusters and pull ups for a bit, do a few pass throughs. Shoulders are really tight so I used the lacrosse ball to MobWOD some of the tightness out. Then did a 500m row in 2:12

7min AMRAP: ascending ladder by 3 reps of:
3 thrusters
3 chest-to-bar pull ups
6 thrusters
6 C2B pull ups
9 and so on

12 thrusters + 3 pull ups

I was happy with my mental state for this WOD. I didn't have the "I don't give a fuck, I'm going to walk away and not finish this crap" attitude. It was actually kinda fun. My thrusters have gone to crap though, I can't stay on my heels for the life of me. When I had to do the 6 pull ups I kept missing contact with the bar so I missed out on like 6 reps and wasted a lot of time. For the round of 9 I just did one at a time and dropped from the top of the bar- also wasting time but not as much because I wasn't wasting reps. It's also a measure of progress because I thought back to Iron Curtain in October where I could barely do regular pull ups and couldn't link them together then. And now I'm just struggling to link together C2B. It makes me happy! Good WOD. I was also probably motivated by the NKOTBSB song "Don't Turn Out The Lights" I know I lose all of my cool points for it, but I just LOVE that song!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Walkin' on a wall

1 mile run
10x good mornings
5x pass thrus
30 sec ring hold - this was a lot harder than expected. My core strength is ZERO atm
3x wall walks

Did an evil WOD MK cooked up because we're doing Sectionals 11.6 tomorrow

For time:
10 wall walks
400m run
8 wall walks
400m run
6 wall walks
400m run
4 wall walks
400m run


Signs of progress! Top picture is current, bottom is from about a month ago. Can you say THUNDA THIGHS?! Thor ain't got shit on me lolol The top pic is a little deceiving though, my legs look long and skinny... SO not the case. Or maybe? Idk I can't ever judge my body right.

So during the WOD I had that "fuck it" attitude again. Need to kick that habit to the curb and quick! I walked for a second on the second 400m at the turn around point. Eesh. The wall walks were also HORRIBLE! I haven't sweat so hard in a long time. Seriously not fun, but kinda fun. I can't really make up my mind about it. It was not fun in the sense it hurt, but it was fun because it was new and something I had never done before.

Side note: Last week of school! I still can't believe I am about to be a college graduate! The last four years have FLOWN by.

Friday, April 22, 2011

100m of Hell

W/U: 400m run
10x OHS @ PVC
10x push ups
10x good mornings
10x ring dip attempts? jumped into the rings, negative down

Then: 3rnds for time

Run 100 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Sit-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Squats
Run 100 meters
50 Supermans to sub for back extensions

33 something. Scaled the push ups to my knees. Might've been able to do it all the way Rx'd but I didn't want to take the time to do it. Plus I'm still sore from yesterday's WOD. Shoulders hurt pretty bad and my hamstrings are kind of tight. I was going to sub the squats but lunges or star jumps would've been so much worse so I just suffered through it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sectional WOD 11.5

W/U: 750m row at super, super slow pace. I wasn't really feeling the WOD at first. My legs were sore and I was over all exhausted.
Practiced some 85# power cleans, wall balls and toes to bar.

20min AMRAP:
5 power cleans @ 100#
10 toes to bar
15 wall balls @ 14#, 9ft target

6 rnds + 2 power cleans

I didn't give a -bird caw- about how well I did on this WOD after round 2. I couldn't string together my toes to bar and was having some trouble with the wall ball accuracy. Just all around wasn't fun. My trouble with the toes to bar was only slightly grip, mostly my legs were giving out on top of my quads because they were tired. Needless to say I didn't have the "win it" mentality I needed to push through it. My power cleans got better as the WOD went on though, I started linking them together after round 3. MK and Crisa did a great job, always awesome to watch them work.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

KB swings and runningz

5 min double unders. Completely lost my ability to double under, again.
15 good mornings
5x 35# single arm kb swings
10x straight leg sit ups

2min max kb swings @ 35#: 62
Wanted to go at 55# but we're doing the Open WOD tomorrow so had to stay at light weight. Wanted to get 70 reps but wasn't swinging fast enough.

4x400m sprints, 2 min recovery
1:15, 1:21, 1:20, 1:14

I'd like to believe I'm that fast but I know if I did this on a track I would be in the 1:30's at best. I think the distance was around 300 something meters, but still a 1:30 400 is a 6min mile pace and for me to be movin' like that is all around good news so I will take it.

On a side note, I read a post earlier today that talked about keeping a better log of your training. I've been doing really well with recording food since December 26th (haven't missed a meal yet) and I've done well here with recording the workouts. I have been neglecting sleep, stress and other life factors that play into how my training and recovery go. I was doing well with the sleep and how I was feeling back in December, but I want to recommit to doing a better job of tracking it. My inconsistent sleep patterns and stress haven't really started to degrade my training progress, yet, and I need to get better control of it before it does. I'm starting to really notice the physical aspects of stress just because I haven't been stressed out in a long time. I'm taking note of them and trying to recognize the symptoms when they happen so I can readjust then and there and deal with it and move on. I have a week of school left and then finals. I'm not too worried, I know what is expected of me and how to prepare for them so it'll just be a matter of doing it. Then I have a 10 day break between finals and graduation to secure a job and say goodbye to the freedom that is college and start mentally and physically preparing myself for OCS. I'm really excited and really nervous at the same time- but I'm ready.

Trample the weak, hurdle the dead.

Monday, April 18, 2011

35# Deadlift PR! First strict pull up!

So a week ago I requested a deadlift 1RM WOD... Games WOD was too crazy so it didn't happen. I then begged and pleaded with coach to have it come up today, promising to be a perfect, non-jerk off angel if I got it... and sure enough, coach loves me and let me at it!

Tabata Row - covered almost 1000m if I remember right. I was haulin' ass!
Deadlift @PVC x 10
RX+ pull up x5
First round, 5 kipping, second.. got my FIRST DEAD HANG/STRICT UNASSISTED PULL UP! Then 4 kipping pull ups
RX+ push up x5
First round, regular push ups, second, clapping

Deadlift skill

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1

*I should note that yes, I know I am a female and do not have a literal D for anyone to S. However, I am not sexist and believe I can use this figure of speech just as well as anyone else. So there! :P

Row to hell: teamed up with Tiff and I was #2 so the ladder looked like 50cal row - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 and because I picked #2 I rowed 40 & 20 calories.

I just can't thank MK enough for being patient with me. Words can't express how much I wanted this deadlift PR - and I got it by 35#!!! I originally wanted 250# but I had to do 245# twice because I dropped it from the top and we weren't doing that this time. So after I picked it up a second time I knew I had 270# in me and I took one extra set to pull the weight up one more time.

I also got my first strict, underhand grip, unassisted PULL UP! USMC OCS statistics state that Females with "a 70 second flexed arm hang and 1 dead hang pull up have a 70% chance of passing OCS." Since I decided I wanted to become a Marine Corps Officer at the age of 17, I've wanted this pull up. MK- thank you. You're making it possible for me to realize my 6+ year dream and goal of becoming a Marine Officer. I just don't have the words to express the gratitude I have for you. You opened your garage, your family, your home and your life up to me and I am so grateful and lucky to have you. You made it possible for me to turn my life around when I was ready to jump off a building. Just, thank you. I promise to keep my promise to not be a jerk-off. You just gotta tell me when I'm being a jerk-off cause I never know when I'm doing it. Oops. lol :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sore Ass

Ass and legs are still sore. Woke me up at 2:30am from leg spasms and couldn't go back to sleep for 30 minutes. Baaaahhhh! The runs were slow but they felt good. Glad to be back in the swing of running. My diet also went well today! No cheats and not a large amount of food. I could barely finish my paleo pizza dinner. (I know, not the healthiest, but it's Friday lol) I'm once again surprised by my pull up and push up ability. I struggle with them but not nearly as much as I used to. It still feels really weird to be able to link together kipping pull ups! O.o HSPU range of motion was pathetic, but I didn't want to mess with the bands, so I'll start working those more often this upcoming week. The Open is almost over! I'm kinda gonna be glad when it is. I don't know why but I'm not that excited about it anymore. I guess it's because I'm not one of the people that has PR'd in any one event or movement. Oh well. On to the next one!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sectional WOD 11.4

W/U: 400m run
Snatch work

10min AMRAP:
60 burpees
30 OHS @ 90#
10 muscle ups

Got 66 reps.

Almost walked away from this wod. The burpees took FOREVER and I missed a few OHS bc I wasn't getting deep enough in my squat. So frustrating. I've just had a rough two weeks. My diet's been all off because of stress and everything else. Gotta get back on my game but the motivation department is kinda empty. I'll figure out a way to get my head on straight.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Muscle Ups

Tuesday: Rest my SORE ASS!

Wednesday: Muscle Up work

Tried doing muscle ups with the green bands on each ring, couldn't get the turn over. Slightly frustrated but it's motivation to work my strict pull ups and ring dips. Ass is still sore. Must mean I did a lot of work.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's HOT in HELL

W/U: 800m run
10m PVC OH lunge
10m frog jump
10m bear crawl

4 rnds for time:
20m OH lunge @ 55#
10m bear crawl
20 box jumps. Open hip at the top
400m run


Met pukie before starting the lunges on round 3. Stressed out. Hate my life. Screw school.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

11.3 attempt numero dos

Well it's Sunday and I gave another go at 11.3.. didn't go so well. I kept missing my jerks! So frustrating!

5min amrap: 110# squat clean & jerks
12 rounds aka full clean & jerks

Hung out with my boy Troy for a minute, then jumped in on Church EOB's WOD.

1000m row
20 kb swings @ 35#
800m row
15 kb swings
500m row
10 kb swings
250m row
20 kb swings

My rowing was way off last week. Couldn't maintain a decent pace for the life of me, it was just SLOW. But it's fine now. Weird how that happens. My hamstrings are really tight and sore, and I hurt my right ankle randomly at Sam's club while I was stretching it out? So weird, it made me limp. Threw ice on it and it's better now. I'm pretty exhausted. Too much alcohol, bad food and stress the last 7 days. Gotta get back on track with paleo and staying focused - I've been so distracted lately. I had a good start to the week so let the good energy continue!

Less than 30 days to go until finals are over and graduation is upon me!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sectional WOD 11.3

Friday: Sectional WOD 11.3

W/U: 500m row
Light squat clean work

5min amrap:
110# squat clean & jerk
14 full squat clean & jerks

Feel like I got a few more reps in me.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Officially over October

Wednesday: Rest. Drink a lot of water to recover from my buddy Dustin being in town (gotta love being a college kid!) I hadn't seen him in two years. I missed him so much. Took an afternoon nap on the couch with the roomie. Best little bit of sleep I've had in awhile. Stretch, do some mobility to loosen up my legs.

Thursday: Went to the Riddle gym (yuck) to work on my squat clean to get ready for Open WOD 11.3.

W/U: short Burg warm up at bar

Then worked my squat clean:

65# 3x, a few thrusters and jerk practice
85# 3x, some jerk practice
95# 3x, thruster'd one of them

Then I went into singles. Kept it at 5# increments. Learned my lesson on Tuesday:
110# (thought to myself "Damn that was easy") did it a second time because my feet weren't in a good position when I landed the first time.
115# (did it twice to be sure of good footing. Got amped up in anticipation of 120# - a PR)
120# Fail. Bar was coming high enough, so put positive thoughts in my mind and readjusted.
120# PR!
125# Fail
125# Fail
125# PR!
130# PR!
135# Fail 3x.
At this point I had been squat cleaning for an hour and the baseball team was in the gym for their practice, workout whatever, so I packed up and took my 15# PR for what it was worth. I really fucking hate Oly lifting in the riddle gym though. Even though it's kinda nice having the platform, it's mostly annoying, and the mirrors- omg the mirrors are so distracting! I learned to get around it by looking about 8ft at the ground in front of me like you do a deadlift just so I wouldn't be distracted by my reflection. Pretty happy with this progress! I was failing at squat cleaning 125# back in October and I've been stuck at 115# for the last two months.

Took an ice bath to make sure my legs are nice and supple for tomorrow's beating.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Death to my legs


800m run
50 thrusters 45#
40 burpees
60 situps
80 double unders
20 front squats 45#
400m run


The double unders are really coming together. The thrusters sucked, but I managed to get through the burpees without significant breaks. I just took a second to breathe and kept going after each rep. That last 400m run killed my legs.


Met up with a PLC girl and hit a quick WOD.

4 rft:
10 pull ups
20 squats
30 sit ups


Did the first and last rounds of pull ups without the band, but the burpees yesterday were killing my arms so I used the band for the second and third rounds. I don't know what it is about the taped pull ups at school, but I cannot kip my pull ups for the life of me there.


Completed the 30 back squats in 3-4 minutes. Tried to haul ass on the 1k but it hurt a lot. The Rx'd weight for the back squats was 225# so I guessed that the nearest women's weight would be 135#- basically something heavy that I could do for 30 reps. I thought the WOD would take 15+ minutes but I was surprised by how quickly I got through the back squats, so I kept it in my head that I wanted to do it in under 10 minutes. Goal met.

I figure I might as well go heavy and kill my legs since the Open WODs have been sucking and I'm not going to Regionals regardless- so I might as well make strength gains and not let the Open impede my training. Pissed I failed at PRing my 1RM Press. Should've had at least 90#. I wanted +100#

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday AM at the Park

WOD with just me n Chrisie. MK had to be soccer momma

15 squats
10 push ups
POSE running technique drills

2x ~70m steep hill sprints

1 hill sprint
25 squats
1 hill sprint
25 burpees
1 hill sprint
25 sit ups
1 hill sprint
Run to ledge at the park, then 25 ~18" box jumps

JC- 7:40
Chrisie- 8:57

Good fast WOD. Did 40ish minutes worth of stretching and chit chatting after. I'm a bit sore in my glutes and low back from yesterday, probably because I rounded my back at a few points trying to do the deads fast, but it's tolerable.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sectional WOD 11.2

Thursday: Rest, eat a lot of bacon, stretch for the Games WOD

Warm Up:
500m row
5x: pass thru, good mornings, games style push ups, worked the box jumps
400m run,

Then: Go time.

15min AMRAP
9 100# deadlifts.. (done on women's kg bar with 25# and 10# bumpers so it was 103-105#s)
12 games, hands off the ground, push ups
15 box jumps

Completed 8 rounds + 9 deadlifts and 9 push ups.

Fell on the box jumps on round two, banged up my shin pretty bad. I was really glad to have Crissa there to push me! She was beating me for the first 3 rounds because she has killer box jumps and I do not, but I had fast deadlifts. I saw her losing wind on the 4th round and knew I had to speed up to catch her then beat her. It was a lot of fun; I can't wait for the box to get big so I can have more people to push myself against before I leave this town for good. Also, who is responsible for the horrendous virus that is circulating through the world right now? It's knocked MK on her ass and a few other people I know... no bueno! But seriously Crossfit... gime something heavy for time! Don't let them all be fast AMRAPs! (I'm sure I'll regret saying that...)