Wednesday, April 20, 2011

KB swings and runningz

5 min double unders. Completely lost my ability to double under, again.
15 good mornings
5x 35# single arm kb swings
10x straight leg sit ups

2min max kb swings @ 35#: 62
Wanted to go at 55# but we're doing the Open WOD tomorrow so had to stay at light weight. Wanted to get 70 reps but wasn't swinging fast enough.

4x400m sprints, 2 min recovery
1:15, 1:21, 1:20, 1:14

I'd like to believe I'm that fast but I know if I did this on a track I would be in the 1:30's at best. I think the distance was around 300 something meters, but still a 1:30 400 is a 6min mile pace and for me to be movin' like that is all around good news so I will take it.

On a side note, I read a post earlier today that talked about keeping a better log of your training. I've been doing really well with recording food since December 26th (haven't missed a meal yet) and I've done well here with recording the workouts. I have been neglecting sleep, stress and other life factors that play into how my training and recovery go. I was doing well with the sleep and how I was feeling back in December, but I want to recommit to doing a better job of tracking it. My inconsistent sleep patterns and stress haven't really started to degrade my training progress, yet, and I need to get better control of it before it does. I'm starting to really notice the physical aspects of stress just because I haven't been stressed out in a long time. I'm taking note of them and trying to recognize the symptoms when they happen so I can readjust then and there and deal with it and move on. I have a week of school left and then finals. I'm not too worried, I know what is expected of me and how to prepare for them so it'll just be a matter of doing it. Then I have a 10 day break between finals and graduation to secure a job and say goodbye to the freedom that is college and start mentally and physically preparing myself for OCS. I'm really excited and really nervous at the same time- but I'm ready.

Trample the weak, hurdle the dead.

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