Monday, February 28, 2011

Cramped Back from Hell

warm up:

500m row
15 pass thrus
10 pushups
5 pull ups
5 box jump to squat

hang squat snatch


Went up to 80# but wasn't feeling it for the last set so dropped the weight back down to 65#. The pressouts were U-G-L-Y for 75#. Really disappointing. But my pull ups were top notch, took off the tiny red band after the first set and BAM!- chest to bar without trying, first three went unbroken and I didn't drop off the bar. Push ups were easy too. Who knew losing weight was the answer to all of my problems?

Then I waited for MK to get done with her snatches to do the 500m row for time. Needless to say I was cold at this point and it went over... well, horribly.

1:58.8 500m row. Not a PR by any means.

Rest and recovery are feeling good with Progenex in my system. My back is cramped like all hell though from heavy deads on Friday, but massage has helped loosen it up. Going to get some good rest tonight and dream about continued progress.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hot Week

PFT in the AM. Finally brought my flex arm hang back to 70 sec, but still eating dirt on the run, but I know it's cause of the diet- which I'm seeing real results from. 27:56 3 mile run, 258 total score. Up 25+ points from November

4 rft

400m run
10 deadlifts 95#
5 push press 95#
20 sit ups

Done at Rx. The push press felt really unsafe bc I was so fatigued and seeing stars. Finished in 15:20 something.

Thursday: First rest day on a Thursday in 3 weeks. Made me feel nasty though I know it's needed.

Deadlift: 10-8-5-3-3-3


Then, 3 rounds:
1min hollow rocks
30 sec rest
1 min L-Sit on parallettes
30 sec rest

Today was a PR in my deadlift. I picked up 235 at the Iron Curtain at 15lbs heavier than I am now, and I picked it up again today 1 and a half times. The only reason I couldn't get it all the way up the second time was again due to some fatigue and slight loss of grip. I felt some pain in my back when the weight was light, and my right shoulder was very sore but I maintained my lumbar curve even after I thought I lost it. Good day. The L-Sits were horrible. Need to work my flexibility. I have to scale the last 2 sets with leaving one foot on the ground, alternating the foot during the minute.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Snatch 'till you can't see

W/U: 2x-
5 box jumps 20"/24"
5 squats
5 dead hang pull ups on purple band, reverse then wide grip. (too easy, need to move down a band)

1-1-1-1-1 Power Snatch


At 115# I got really light headed, saw stars and heard the weight ring in my ears. That hasn't happened since I fought for a 225# deadlift in July, so needless to say I didn't move up. I'm having trouble getting fast elbows and pulling under the weight and keeping my feet in a normal position. They do this weird slide out thing and I land funky.


10 rounds
7 front squats @ 65# (scaled from 95#)
50m sprint
2 min recovery between rounds

I didn't feel human again until after round 5, then I actually started to sprint again. Food is fuel, gotta give the body what it needs.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Results! Strong is the new Skinny body transformation

It's been a struggle for over a month, but I am FINALLY back in the 140's# and am 14# shy of my goal. 9lbs lost so far! This super-paleo diet is working, and I get to have my coffee. It's hard, but I love the results.

Strong is the New Skinny is having a blog-sharing-body transformation challenge, so I figure I'll participate. I've already committed to creating the best body I've ever had, now I'll share my journey with all of you.

All I know is I'm going to reach my goals, and never go back to being heavy again. Commitment for life!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Flippin' Campus Safety

So campus safety sucks. Why do I go to Embry-Riddle again?

Anyways, out of a great blunder came a great WOD by the pull up bars near the ROTC building.

20min AMRAP:
15 kettlebell swings @ 35#
10 Dips on dip station. Used toe bounce to get out of the bottom
5 tire flips

Did it with Chrisie and finished 4 full rounds. Great stuff. It was a lot of fun to work out next to Levi again. That man is an animal!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fun Friday

Took a running rest day. My legs needed it.

2 rnds:
5 pvc thruster
5 push ups
5 pull ups

4 rnds for time:
250m row (rower set to 8)
10 thrusters @ 65#


Thought I was going to finish this in 7ish minutes but the thrusters were hell. The row was good, maintained a pretty solid 2min to sub 2min pace through the whole WOD. All of a sudden I'm a pretty decent rower. I like it!

Turtle shell abs are coming... gotta keep up the diet and smashing the running and rowing. Less than 3 weeks to go

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I see stars

New diet started today. I can see stars.

Noon: 4.5 mile run. 3 laps around the school + bridge over to the ROTC building

4 rnds
1 minute max effort each:

box jumps
pull ups

15-20 sec transition time
2 min rest between rounds

MK pushed me through this one. It took awhile to recover from

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Row, row, row your boat

Attempted a run after class. Did a 400m lap and my shins started burning, so I listened to my body and took a run rest day. Decided to row instead.

5k row = 22:46 @2:16 pace. C2 set at 5 for first 4.5k then kicked it up to 8 for the last 600m

This pace and time really surprised me. You're supposed to run faster than you row... dun dun dun! These must be tidings of good news to come.

3 weeks to the day till PFT. Super strict nutrition and running training is in effect.

3.. 2.. 1.. go.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

6 miles of sugar

Hit a 6 mile run around the Speedway after class. Got hollered at no less than 3 times, and almost hit once. I love Daytona.

Shins felt like arse 2 miles into it. This may be due to poor form and/or the fact I hadn't eaten since 8am and only had coffee in-between breakfast and the run. Mom sent her Valentines day sugar goodies. I ate entirely too much. Paid for it in the run and feeling like garbage after.

Marine Corps tried to surprise me with a PFT tomorrow morning. Told them wasn't happening. Time to rest, recover and dial in my nutrition. I'm a week away from making my life happen.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Goats and hoes

Love Hurts
as a couple complete:

800m run
75 KB swings @ 35#
100 push ups
150 sit ups
200 squats
50 cal row

Started with Tara, finished with MK. 

Post WOD: 
"Goat EMOM" with MK with pull ups. 20 min EMOM, first 5 mins 2 reps on the minute, 1 rep every minute thereafter. Started with kipping pull ups for each set of 2, then went to small/purple band wide grip deadhangs. Failed last rep. 25 total reps. 

Drank coconut water post WOD. Not sure how rehydrating it is... it tastes ok. It's nice to have something other than water to drink. My appetite has become nothing short of RAVENOUS. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll eat myself out of house and wallet at this rate. 

Played with the kiddos for Vday. They're so amazing. I asked Troy for a kiss and he shouted at me "Wait, you need a hug too!" So adorable. I did totally need that hug. Caitybear insited on hugs and kisses too. And I said love was overrated... 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Deadlegs walkin'

AM: Park WOD

15min AMRAP:
10 burpee box jumps (onto concrete stair, ~18 inches high)
25# OH lunges, ~50 feet

4.5 rounds.

My legs cramped up bad through this thing. Awful.

PM (4 hours later):

CFE Running WOD:

2 Rounds of:
5x 1min on, 2 min off
5 min easy roll, run or swim between each set of 5

Covered ~+1 mile. Jogged/walk the 5 minutes between the first and second set. I really focused on my POSE running technique and I felt really strong and comfortable in the technique after watching Brian Mackenzie's, from CF Endurance, video about bringing CrossFit to endurance athletes. Technique started to go after the third minute of sprints on both the first and second set. My ankle got beat up a little bit today but it's holding on strong, and the POSE technique kind of hurt in the front of my shins??? Not good.

Worked some stretches in the evening. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hero WOD

Seven rounds for time of:
1 pood Kettlebell swing, 15 reps
65 pound Power clean, 15 reps
15 Box jumps, 21" box

Rx Female: 24:10

MK did mens weight at 1.5 pood, 95# and 24" box jumps. It was awesome to see her killing it. And she did 5 MUSCLE UPS without assistance! Proud to call her my trainer. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheats of DEATH!

Well Sunday after the Garage Games was ultimate cheat day from hell at Mellow Mushroom. Had a 14" sausage and pepperoni pizza all to myself and followed it up with ice cream. I was sick for HOURS.



Double Unders were still difficult for me this day. I did some retarded scaled muscle ups. I know I need the ring dips and the pull ups to get there, but might as well just practice the movement. My Power Snatch previous 1RM is 95#. Today I landed 90#, and almost pressed out 95#, but I just couldn't get under the bar. PRs are coming really, really soon.

Tuesday: Rest & Study for Accounting day


CFE S&C WOD in-between classes. (left me no time to eat, bad idea)

Front Squat: 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1
Push Press Behind Neck: 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1
2 Minute Recoveries
3 Rounds of (Not for Time):
10 Good Mornings @ 45 lbs
20 GHD Situps
10 Wallballs

That's what the order was supposed to be, but because I was in an awkward globo gym set up, and I was trying to hurry to get to class it went like this:
10 awkward GHD situps
20 Wall ball @ 18#
10 Good mornings
then 2x:
10 Good mornings
20 Wall ball @ 18#
10 awkward GHD situps

Front squat is finally back in the 150#s!!
95-115-135-145(third squat was shallow)-150(easy)-165(fail x2)-160(fail)
I didn't like the feel of the push press behind the neck, it was awkward:

PM: CFE Running WOD

Warmed up with Double Unders. Did 20 in a row. Twice. I heard angels sing after I peed myself. 
2×5 min intervals w/2min recovery between intervals
Next interval scheme starts after the 2min recovery
5x1min Intervals w/30sec recovery between intervals

Rowed a sub 2:15 interval for 5 minutes after the run to get my lung capacity up. Covered +1,100 meters. 
covered ~+2.5 miles

Thursday (Today):

CFE Running WOD, Short Course:
Cover as much distance as possible in 35 minutes. 

I did this after class, I wanted to go for an hour, but I thought to myself "No, I'm training for the 3 mile. I need to trust the programming." So I started the laps around the school. Each lap is roughly 1.5 miles; it's what NROTC uses for their PRTs and PFTs.  I was more than halfway into my third lap when I was around 28 minutes, and I have a destination by the airport in my mind that I wanted to reach by 35 minutes, so I started pushing. I looked down to check my time again and I forgot that my watch craps out at 30 minutes, so I was staring at an unmoving :30. I restarted it and decided to stop at the 4:00 mark. When I was 2 minutes into my run and was close to where I wanted to be, I decided to say "screw the 35, I'm finishing 3 laps!" So I hauled ass to my start point and finished 3 laps, which is roughly

4.5 MILES IN ~37-38 MINUTES 

(I wish it was more accurate) All I know, is Crossfit Endurance is working, and I was hauling ass! 


Friday, February 4, 2011

More Endurance


CFE Strength and Conditioning WOD:

Troy played coach today and gave me my "1,2, free go!" And then, like the champ he is, said "Come on Jess! 2 more!" during the reps I struggled with. He's so awesome.

1000m Row
5 Rounds of :
10 Weighted Pull ups, “Choice”
7 Power Cleans 185/135 lbs

Scaled to pull ups on the small purple band, 85# power cleans. 
The row felt good. The power cleans were easiest on the fourth round and worst on the first? I probably didn't warm up very well... Feeling some shoulder pain from pull up work on Wednesday. Feeling good from the long run too. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Because I want to die

I was going to take a rest day, but I saw a post from the crew members of CF Jax and couldn't resist the opportunity to feel the burn.

Attempted Suicide
10x thrusters
9x deadlifts
8x squat clean
7x push press
6x hang power clean
5x front squat
4x push jerk
3x hang squat clean
2x power clean
1x shoulder press

Completed as Rx @ 3:58! Thought I wasn't going to make it through those thrusters... whew. Good stuff! Thanks CF Jax!

Crossfit Endurance WOD. 6 mile run around the International Speedway. It. Took. FOREVER. But I did it and I'm glad it's over. Worked on my kipping pull up. Still struggling to bring my head and chest through and to push off the bar to continue momentum from the second to the third pull up.

Garage games in two days! Cheat day Sunday after 3 weeks of good paleo!

MK is a crafty lady :D