Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Monday: Handstand skill work
W/U: 5 min double under practice

10 push ups
10 squats
10 lunges

3 RFT:
12 ring dips
12 burpee pull ups

4 rnds:
:30 hollow rock hold
:30 parallette hold

Turned into a parallette hang. 2nd & 3rd rounds were with one leg straight and one leg supporting. Ring dips were unbroken first round, all on .25” band

Tuesday: Felt really sore, took it as a rest day.

W/U: 5min double unders
3 rnds:
5 strict pull ups, alternating grip on 1" band
5 butterfly/kipping pull ups
10 box jumps on 20" box

For time:
800m run
10 false grip ring rows
20 box jumps 20" box
600m run
15 fgrr
15 bj
400m run
20 fgrr
10 bj


That sucked. It was originally going to be 3rnds of 800m run, with 10 fgrr & 20 bj but my legs were just too dead to do it. My left hamstring is still really fucked up and I have shin splints like it's my job or something. So I modded it after the first round so I could focus on going fast - I definitely crashed and burned going over a curb after the 800m run, and THEN I fell on the 7th box jump on my last set of box jumps. Left shin is all jacked up and now matches the right. Talk about FML. Luckily I got news today that I will be processing and completing all of my paperwork for the USMC tomorrow so I can go to OCS in October. Captain Leary hooked me UP. Note that this is the man who said he had "no confidence" I would be able to get in and maintain standards. This just goes to show that I'm damn good at what I do because if I had been a shitty MIDN and a shitty leader on top of bad PT, I wouldn't have this opportunity for a last shot at getting my Commission. God is definitely real and is definitely ensuring that this is my path. Feeling blessed.

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