Thursday AM:
PFT 3 mile redemption 24:59. Definitely not what I'm truly capable of, but decent for just under 48 hours of rehydrating myself and putting food in my body after cutting weight
PM: Deadlift 1RM reward for passing PFT:
135(10)- 185(7)- 225(3)- 255(1) Then find 1RM:
275PR! - 285Fx2 - 280PR! - 285PR! - 290PR! - 295Fx2 - 295PR! - 300F - 300PR!
Almost threw in the towel after 295 wouldn't come up a second time. I put everything away and started cleaning up and thought "Well, it's a 20# PR and I'm only 10# away. That's respectable." But I said I wanted 300# and I was aiming for 300# and I just couldn't walk away without giving 295# one last try. So I walked over, picked up and realized "Omfg, I'm going to get a 300# deadlift today!" So I loaded up the 2.5# plates, got pissed off and went for it. It came half way up but I lost my form so I put it down and took a few minutes to rest. The whole time I thought to myself "Holy fuck. That came up. I'm going to get 300#!" Beyonce came on the radio (Best thing I never had) so I got pissed off again, ran up to the bar and BOOM! 300# deadlift. I screamed like a girl. It was magnificent.
4 rft:
5 muscle ups sitting in 1.5" green band
15 box jumps @ 20"
20 butterfly ab mat sit ups
Saturday: REST!
10min double under practice
20min handstand practice, some on parallettes
Ring push ups
Back extensions
HSPU ROM was def scaled. I did a few in the bands, which finally moved to the blue 1" band stability support and .25" band for shoulder support! Some were done with the wall and dipping my head to the pillow, which is equivalent of 2 abmats. Progress! Ring push ups were awful. That really hurt.
Overall I'm very proud of the progress I'm making. Ring dips and HSPU should be Rx'd in no more than 2 weeks from today! Muscle up will be here in August. Training is now going to focus on capacity work and speed so I can bring my 3 mile down under 21:00, something I'm very capable of achieving. Diet is also going to continue to be strict. Post 3 mile success I allowed myself a victory pancake and shared french toast with the girl who paced my run. Other than that I've had a few sweet potatoes but my stomach is still so small I can't eat much. Not that I'm complaining ;) So new goal is to hit 140 by next week since I'm chillin in the 140's now and hit 135 by July 31. More than achievable I'd say. Here's to finishing out a good month of training and hitting PRs!
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