5min double under practice. Feeling pretty good. Still not connecting like I want them to but it's not as frustrating as it usually is.
2 rnds:
5 pull ups
5 pass through's
10 OHS @ pvc
10 good morning
Work up to working weight for OHS
12min AMRAP:
5 OHS @ 85
7 pull ups
9 toes to bar
4 rnds + 5 OHS + 5 pull ups
1min hollow rock hold
1min rest
30 sec hollow rock hold
Got to hit this one with the boys Ted and Mike. We were all pretty much going rep for rep with each other. It was awesome to have people to push myself against! Felt good and fast. Lost the OHS on the 3rd rnd, and it was a pain to get it back overhead. I originally wrote the WOD to be 95# OHS and chest to bar pull ups, but my chest was NOT getting up there, which really sucks because I used to be able to get it up there. I think I'm just tired. The toes to bar felt really solid though which is a nice change because normally they really suck. Diet is good. Not even able to think about eating as much or as often as I used to.
I also picked up a pair of the NB minimus. Love them so far! They're the first pair of shoes I've worn in over a year that actually FIT my feet. They're wide enough for my hallux valgus as well. Amazing. Worth the money. Now I just need to sell a lot of knives to make up for it :)
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