12:00 Beach run:
40min aka 4 mi on the beach. Soft sand on the way out for the first 20min, next to the shore on the way back. Maintained same distance each way.
Then 25 burpee pull ups AFAP: 3:11
Then swim in the ocean and freak out the lifeguard.
Work on my split jerk from the rack. Thought I was going to PR... didn't happen. 125# went overhead with some press out but that was it. Need to work the jump and getting down wide feet and fast. It's not that I don't have the strength or ability, I just need to work technique. Then do some double unders in preparation for EVIL.
I had a conversation on Twitter asking everyone for their most HATED Crossfit movements and got some GREAT feedback. TGU's, weight vest anything, toes to bar, really creative stuff I don't normally think about. Eric, the owner of Crossfit Overcome and I talked about how we hated DUs and 400m repeats, so he made this WOD and named it after me in my honor and so I tested it out tonight. Meet:
15min AMRAP:
50 DUs
400m run
2 rnds + 23 DUs
Check out his post here: http://crossfitovercome.com/2011/08/04/j-c-fire/
This was a good goat WOD for me because I now struggle with high rep DUs just because I don't yet have the endurance for them, not because of a skill limitation! (Finally!!) The run felt surprisingly comfortable for my legs. NO hamstring pain! Even though my left leg IT band/hamstring is still a pissed off teenager and hurts when I stretch it... grrrrrrr! Happy with my work for today. Now... check out how FAR I've come...
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