14:30 @ Ormond:
500m row, damper on 7, sub 2min pace: finished in 1:56, avg 1:55 pace
5 pull ups (still working on connecting the butterfly)
5 fast box jumps @ 20"
5 broad jumps
Max height box jumps in inches:
Failed 37 & 38 a bunch of times
Then "Manion" Hero WOD"
400m run
29 back squats 135/95
Terrified of the box jump as usual, but I'm pretty sure it's a PR. Underestimated the BS on Manion. Thought I'd at least get the first round unbroken. This one definitely stayed in my head though. I did this for a fallen Marine Officer. An American Hero who gave his life in defense of our nation. He is someone I aspire to be. I ran hard and I squatted as much as possible for him. There were times, especially on round 5 where I didn't think my legs could take one more rep, but I made them and it was worth it. Goal was sub 45min. Mission accomplished. I was going to do a second WOD but I was sore afterwards and I had CUTCO shit to go to at 7pm so there wasn't time. Wore my Inov-8's with compression.
At pull up bars at ERAU ROTC building:
5min half assed double under practice (it was effing hot out)
10 squats
10 strict pull ups on 1.5" band
10 squats
1 banded HSPU on parallettes
HSPU on 1.5" midline support, 1" shoulder support
Ring dips on .25" band, held tight
Push Ups - military style, breaking 90*
I was going to do these on the parallettes but the depth wasn't going to happen after the OHS. My shoulders are SMOKED. I wasn't getting my head down to the ground on every rep, which sucked. It was so hot out. I legit met pukie for the first time after this one. I ate sausage for lunch - I'm so over phallic food now. Obsession is done. I should've warmed up more but I was in a hurry to make a CUTCO appointment.
Mainland HS track
800m jog
1min rest, light stretch, then:
4x400m sprints in the dark with 1min rest in between each:
1:38 (I think that's a PR) - 1:44 - 1:46 - 1:45
I'm so, so, soooo happy with these times! My legs were super sore from Manion too but post WOD they feel great! I actually MADE myself HURT on these runs. Like I felt it. Listened to Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory" two times. It's about a 5min song so with the laps and the rest I wanted to make sure I finished the 2nd and 4th 400m before the song was over. I kept "1:28" in my head while I ran the first lap and was pleasantly surprised with a sub 1:40. Then I just made sure not to deviate too much from 1:45 and that goal was achieved! Wore my Inov-8's with regular socks, no compression.
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