Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Squatting Your Momma

Monday: off from WODs. Attempted to PR my back squat 1RM and failed epicly.
3x145 (felt heavy?!)
1x 175-185-195 Fail-190 Failx4

I couldn't believe I was failing. I would come up about a 1/4 of the way out of the bottom and just get STUCK. I know I have 200# in me, so I'm going to start ramping up weights again. Can't lose strength right now.

Tuesday: Since I'm not doing shit I decided to hit it HAM today.

13:00 warm up in the house. GWOD ladder 10-1 strict pull ups, 1" band, alternating grip, ring dips, red band
14:45: SEAL Fit WOD:
500m row warm up, sub 2:15 pace
30min AMRAP:
6 ground to overhead @ 95#
12 wall balls, 9 ft target, 14# ball
24 double unders
5 rnds + 6 gto + 7 wall balls

Then: 30 GHD sit ups for completion

Surprisingly the wall balls were my limiting factor. I missed a lot of reps for not hitting the target. I could barely do more than 3 at a time. The gto was tough in the beginning but got slightly easier as the WOD went on. Ended up split jerking a lot of them at the end. Need to work on my push jerk since it'll be more time efficient. The double unders were difficult because I was just too tired to do them! I've never sweat so hard before in my life. I was like... glowing. I added more tape to my rope and that made it harder to get the timing right. The third round I did like 12 DUs unbroken! Overall I'm very happy with my performance with this WOD. Good mental grinder.

Then went to the beach and swam. It was dark and kept threatening to rain

ERAU Fitness Center. *Note: wearing Oly shoes, a weight belt and socks that say "Bad Ass" WILL get you stared at.

Front squat x5:

I got red in the face for every set. Also wore Jason's weight belt to help my back even though it was a little too big and would loosen after 3 or so reps. All in all the weight's felt challenging but I maintained good form and depth! I'm exhausted though. A weightlifting session has never left me this smoked before. Then again I did do a lot of work... I was going to do sprints after this too. Nope! Saving them for tomorrow.

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