Wednesday: Rest. Drink a lot of water to recover from my buddy Dustin being in town (gotta love being a college kid!) I hadn't seen him in two years. I missed him so much. Took an afternoon nap on the couch with the roomie. Best little bit of sleep I've had in awhile. Stretch, do some mobility to loosen up my legs.
Thursday: Went to the Riddle gym (yuck) to work on my squat clean to get ready for Open WOD 11.3.
W/U: short Burg warm up at bar
Then worked my squat clean:
65# 3x, a few thrusters and jerk practice
85# 3x, some jerk practice
95# 3x, thruster'd one of them
Then I went into singles. Kept it at 5# increments. Learned my lesson on Tuesday:
110# (thought to myself "Damn that was easy") did it a second time because my feet weren't in a good position when I landed the first time.
115# (did it twice to be sure of good footing. Got amped up in anticipation of 120# - a PR)
120# Fail. Bar was coming high enough, so put positive thoughts in my mind and readjusted.
120# PR!
125# Fail
125# Fail
125# PR!
130# PR!
135# Fail 3x.
At this point I had been squat cleaning for an hour and the baseball team was in the gym for their practice, workout whatever, so I packed up and took my 15# PR for what it was worth. I really fucking hate Oly lifting in the riddle gym though. Even though it's kinda nice having the platform, it's mostly annoying, and the mirrors- omg the mirrors are so distracting! I learned to get around it by looking about 8ft at the ground in front of me like you do a deadlift just so I wouldn't be distracted by my reflection. Pretty happy with this progress! I was failing at squat cleaning 125# back in October and I've been stuck at 115# for the last two months.
Took an ice bath to make sure my legs are nice and supple for tomorrow's beating.
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