So a week ago I requested a deadlift 1RM WOD... Games WOD was too crazy so it didn't happen. I then begged and pleaded with coach to have it come up today, promising to be a perfect, non-jerk off angel if I got it... and sure enough, coach loves me and let me at it!
Tabata Row - covered almost 1000m if I remember right. I was haulin' ass!
Deadlift @PVC x 10
RX+ pull up x5
First round, 5 kipping, second.. got my FIRST DEAD HANG/STRICT UNASSISTED PULL UP! Then 4 kipping pull ups
RX+ push up x5
First round, regular push ups, second, clapping
Deadlift skill
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1
*I should note that yes, I know I am a female and do not have a literal D for anyone to S. However, I am not sexist and believe I can use this figure of speech just as well as anyone else. So there! :P
Row to hell: teamed up with Tiff and I was #2 so the ladder looked like 50cal row - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 and because I picked #2 I rowed 40 & 20 calories.
I just can't thank MK enough for being patient with me. Words can't express how much I wanted this deadlift PR - and I got it by 35#!!! I originally wanted 250# but I had to do 245# twice because I dropped it from the top and we weren't doing that this time. So after I picked it up a second time I knew I had 270# in me and I took one extra set to pull the weight up one more time.
I also got my first strict, underhand grip, unassisted PULL UP! USMC OCS statistics state that Females with "a 70 second flexed arm hang and 1 dead hang pull up have a 70% chance of passing OCS." Since I decided I wanted to become a Marine Corps Officer at the age of 17, I've wanted this pull up. MK- thank you. You're making it possible for me to realize my 6+ year dream and goal of becoming a Marine Officer. I just don't have the words to express the gratitude I have for you. You opened your garage, your family, your home and your life up to me and I am so grateful and lucky to have you. You made it possible for me to turn my life around when I was ready to jump off a building. Just, thank you. I promise to keep my promise to not be a jerk-off. You just gotta tell me when I'm being a jerk-off cause I never know when I'm doing it. Oops. lol :)
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